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Nutritional concepts between wrong and right

 Nutritional concepts between wrong and right

Nutritional concepts between right and wrong

There are correct concepts, which are:

Soft drinks increase weight:

Some people link the relationship between weight gain and drinking soft drinks, and one can of soft drinks provides between 150 Up to 180 calories, and too much of it leads to obesity, as eating it with food may increase weight significantly.

Fast foods increase weight:

Fast foods are rich in cholesterol, fats, and salt. This is true for some foods and not true for others. In general, popular foods are high in cholesterol and fats. The best advice is to carefully choose fast foods that are low in fat, such as grilled chicken or... Chicken without skin or chicken breast without thighs because it contains a high percentage of fat, or fish without mayonnaise, tahini salad, and baked goods.

Men lose weight faster than women:

A 16-week study was conducted on a group of men and women who practiced the same exercises for the same period of time. It was found that the men lost weight by an average of 52 kg, while the women did not lose any weight. Their weight... In a study conducted by researchers at Princeton University, it says: Women’s traditional role as mothers is that their bodies tend to preserve energy in the form of reserve weight for the process of feeding and breastfeeding children, which is a physiological structure that distinguishes women from men. Drinking water helps to lose weight and reduces weight when you do not drink. The available space for food in the stomach, but also 2 cups of cold water daily helps you lose weight. Water not only reduces appetite by: sufficient water, as the body thinks that you are in danger, so it works to store water between the cells of the body and thus increases weight. It is preferable to drink water before eating. directly.

Not eating breakfast leads to weight gain:

In a study conducted on 35,000 students at a Dutch university, it was found that the odds of gaining weight are double for people who do not eat breakfast, so breakfast is very important to increase the combustion factor. Internal and lost weight.

The reason for weight gain is genetics:

We inherit from our parents their eating habits and we inherit a certain number of fat cells. A brother or sister may inherit a smaller or larger number. Studies have found that both genetics and the environment play an important role. The person who is predisposed to obesity He can control it if he regulates his type of diet - he does not grow fat cells and increase their size. Sports, physical activity, and modifying motor behavior play an important role in maintaining weight.

An obese child becomes fat as he grows up:

Most fat cells are formed in the first year of a child’s life. However, it is not necessary that an obese child will be obese after puberty. Obesity in childhood is considered a risk factor for chronic diseases and a predisposition to obesity in adulthood. It is necessary to control obesity in children to avoid any health complications after puberty, especially since these children have a tendency to become obese after puberty. h4> Ideal weight for your height: This is not true, as everyone has a different size of muscles, bones, and fat, and in order to be in good health, there is a weight limit that is proportional to height, and this is not the true measure of obesity. There are many scientific methods for that.

Rice increases weight:

In East Asia, especially in Japan and China, they eat breakfast, lunch, and dinner with rice, but they do not gain weight. Yes, there is a common belief that rice causes weight gain and belly fat. This belief is inaccurate, as rice is like any starchy substances such as bread, pasta, and mash. Therefore, we recommend moderation in eating it, as belly fat occurs as a result of weak abdominal muscles and lack of movement and exercise. The correct way to eat rice is to get rid of the rice water after the first boiling, then add new boiling water to get rid of most of the starchy substances from it, and thus low-starch rice. Water becomes

causing belly fat:

Many people believe that drinking water leads to the appearance of belly fat. This belief is wrong, as water does not contain calories. In most Arab societies, where the weather is hot, it is recommended to drink a lot of water to compensate for lost sweat, especially before eating. Sugar helps to gain weight a lot. It is said that sugars cause weight gain, and this is wrong... Moderation in eating them does not lead to obesity. It has been shown that sweets provide about 10% of the calories that a person eats, meaning that 90% of the calories a person takes from other foods, but it is always advised Do not eat too much sweets.

The protein diet between right and wrong

This type of diet, which depends on protein, reducing fatty foods, and not eating carbohydrates, and this diet is not based on a correct scientific basis, and it leads to the loss of large amounts of fluids in the body, and therefore the person believes He lost body fat even though most protein foods are rich in fat.

Is a fat-free diet beneficial?!

Our bodies need fat in a reasonable proportion because the lack of eating foods containing fat causes the body to collapse because with the absence of fat in the foods consumed, the body will absorb the fats present in the adrenal gland, which is located above the kidneys, and this may cause Kidney failure or movement of the kidneys from their normal place.¶ The nature of our bodies, which contain the digestive system, kidneys, and heart, is surrounded by an amount of fat, which is necessary to protect them from shocks and friction and to keep them in their correct places...

Diet does no harm at all

This A false belief: Losing weight at rapid rates increases the risk of developing gallstones. Also, a diet that provides the body with less than 800 calories per day leads to disturbances in the functioning of the heart, so weight loss should not be rushed. A gradual scientific program is better, and some diet systems are actually harmful.

Lemon juice dissolves fats:

This is a wrong belief and its scientific validity has not been proven. It is true that lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, but it does not dissolve fats.

Less fat means fewer calories

It is a misconception that low-fat or fat-free foods contain fewer calories, as researchers at the American Institutes of Health say that there are many other foods that contain the same number. There are more calories - and sometimes more - than full-fat foods. The reason is that these foods contain more sugar. They also contain some high-calorie compounds that are added to improve the taste, and some foods that contain excess salts that lead to weight gain.

Exercise increases acne

There is a belief that exercise leads to the appearance of acne, but researchers at Stanford University have proven that this is a false belief and that there is no relationship between exercise and acne. Proline helps muscle growth. It is believed that Many athletes believe that protein helps muscle growth, but according to researchers from Bueller University, this is a misconception, as only exercise leads to muscle growth.

If I didn't sweat, I wouldn't lose weight:

We don't sweat fat, and this is a wrong belief. According to researchers from Bueller University, it is possible to burn a large number of calories without sweating. Dancing, for example, for one hour leads to burning 330. calories, while walking for an hour leads to burning 280 calories, even if the air is air-conditioned, we lose calories.

Exercise may lead to heart attacks:

There is a misconception that exercise increases the risk of heart attacks, but researchers at the Canadian Medical Center confirmed that people who exercise for at least two hours and twenty minutes a week are less likely to suffer from heart attacks. 40% of those who do not exercise at all suffer from heart attacks.

Eating in the evening leads to obesity:

There is a common belief that eating in the evening leads to obesity, but according to a study conducted at the University of Oregon, regardless of the time you eat, the body stores excess calories in the form of Fat: The time you eat is not important, and a filling, low-calorie meal in the evening may lead to weight loss.

A diet based on one type of food is good:

There are many who believe that a cabbage and cabbage soup diet that contains a small number of carbohydrates, for example, is the best way to reduce weight and get a smaller stomach, but according to the US Food and Drug Administration, this type A diet that relies on one type of food is not effective in the long term, and weight loss stops after a short period. This type of diet also contradicts the foundations of healthy nutrition that the body needs, which is based on dietary diversity, and is only used before surgical operations and in special cases.

Nuts are one of the causes of weight gain:

There are many diet programs that prohibit eating nuts, and studies at the University of Malanda in California indicate that eating 20 to 56 grams of nuts daily for 6 months did not lead to any increase in weight. Weight. Nuts - if they are in small and regulated quantities - can be part of diet programs as they are a good source of protein, fiber and minerals, especially if they are fresh.

Common mistakes that must be changed:

1- We must refrain from eating fruits because they are rich in sugar and dietary calories. 2- We use fruits before eating to suppress the appetite and fill the stomach. Fruits are also important for health because they contain most of the vitamins our body needs. Therefore, minerals must be included in our diet without excess. 3- We must refrain from drinking milk or yogurt. Eating whole milk as a single meal is beneficial, especially twenty minutes before eating, as it suppresses the appetite, and there is no need to worry about the contents, as this type is rich in the necessary calcium and phosphorus. To build bones, doctors advise dieters to consume milk because it stimulates the body to burn stored fat, especially before eating. 4- Brown bread does not increase weight. Brown bread increases weight despite the bran it contains. 5- Chocolate is harmful to health and should be avoided completely. Not all chocolate is harmful, and although chocolate contains high calories and does not contain important minerals and vitamins, eating a moderate amount of it is considered beneficial for health and the body, as it contains antioxidants, which are beneficial for the body and health. The best type is bitter black chocolate, not white or dark chocolate. It contains fatty substances, and one of the benefits of bitter dark chocolate is that it helps improve the mood and gives a feeling of happiness. Plain cocoa is beneficial, but milk and sugar in chocolate are harmful... 6- Obesity is better than oil. This is not true, as a gram of oil contains 9 calories and a gram of ghee contains 9 calories. Oil is beneficial for health and contains fatty, unsaturated substances that help reduce bad cholesterol and preserve good cholesterol, but it becomes dangerous after frying. 7- Coffee is slimming: Coffee contains caffeine, which is a stimulant and speeds up the heart. The truth of the matter is that coffee is not slimming, but rather: it cuts the appetite. For a short period, it does not last long, and after the effect ends, we feel more hungry. It also causes stomach pain, and after eating, it is considered digestive, not slimming.
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